Why choose IRSTaxTraining.com?
The answer is as simple as our training.
IRSTaxTraining.com is your single destination for all the examination prep and continuing professional education tools you need. Whether you’re looking to reach the next level in your profession by passing a qualifying exam, or searching for a way to meet your annual CPE requirements that fits your busy schedule, we have the solution.
Prioritized high-quality tax education
IRSTaxTraining.com has become the leader in tax professional education and test preparation by delivering the highest-quality training resources available. What sets our easy-to-use content apart is its focus—every product is prioritized to deliver exactly what you need to pass an exam, and we offer a customized grading report to help you target areas that need more study.
Designed for your schedule
Our focused content means your valuable time is spent only on what’s most important, and we’ve made our products flexible, so you can study your way, on your schedule. Choose printed textbooks, access training materials and tests online—from any computer or tablet, 24/7—and take advantage of exclusive, on-demand video content to support your training.
Simple yet powerful
From purchasing materials to passing an exam, we make every step an easy one. Downloading a course and getting started is simple. Our stress-free learning system guides you through the self-study process at your pace, and we’ll even notify the IRS when you pass. Our practice tests look, feel, and function exactly like actual IRS exams—so there are no surprises on test day.
Guaranteed success
If you’re not satisfied with your IRSTaxTraining.com product, we offer a full refund up to 60 days from date of purchase or the completion of the exam, whichever event occurs first.** If you purchase one of our Study Guides and are not able to pass the IRS Exam on your first attempt, we will refund the cost of your study guide.*
Support when you
need it
At IRSTaxTraining.com, we believe we succeed when our customers succeed. We offer a variety of ways to get help with content and technology issues related to our products or guidance on the government regulations that affect your world. Contact us for customized assistance, find your answer through our live chat, or discover tax-relevant insights on our blog.